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Màn Hình HMI SMART 700IE - 6AV6648-0CC11-3AX0

Màn Hình HMI SMART 700IE - 6AV6648-0CC11-3AX0
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SIMATIC HMI SMART 700 IE V3, SMART Panel, Touch operation, 7″ widescreen TFT display, 65536 colors, RS422/485 interface, Ethernet (RJ45) interface, host USB type A, RTC support

Tên sản phẩm SIMATIC HMI SMART 700 IE V3
Mã sản phẩm 6AV6648-0CC11-3AX0
Thông số SIMATIC HMI SMART 700 IE V3, SMART Panel, Touch operation, 7″ widescreen TFT display, 65536 colors, RS422/485 interface, Ethernet (RJ45) interface, host USB type A, RTC support, with CE certificate, configurable from WinCC flexible SMART; contains open-source software, which is provided free of charge see enclosed CD
Kích thước 20.20 x 27.70 x 7.80
Khối lượng 0.963 Kg
Hãng sản xuất Siemens AG
Xuất xứ China
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