6SL3211-0AB13-7UA1 Biến tần G110 công suất 0.37KW
6SL3211-0AB13-7UA1 Biến tần G110 công suất 0.37KW
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SINAMICS g110 - cpm110 AC-drive filter 1AC200-240v +10/-10% 47- analog input ct 0.37KW vt 0.37K ct-overload 150% 60s 150 x 90 x (hxwxd) protection IP20 ambient to +50 deg c without bop withou rs485-interface Product reached PM410 (product cancelled) on 10/01/19 long delivery time of at least 60 working days. See for replacements: siemens.com/mm4-convert
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